Saturday, November 15, 2008

So Rob has been gone working out of town in McCall for 8 days now. I just found out it will be another 3 days. Not easy on mama, nor daddy working so hard. Rob is fighting the flu. He is pretending like he doesn't feel sick to get through this long stretch. Normally work out of town would not be a likely choice. However, we, at this time will take what we can get. We have seen challenges among our peers, friends, family and ourselves that leave us wondering if we have seen the worst of it. The economy is what it is and we choose to look at the bright side of possible things to come. We ask for what we want and know that we will get it! I confirm to myself that good things will come to pass and we will be blessed. I find myself being ever grateful for what it is that we have accomplished and have yet to see. Fear has been left at the door, as faith will enter in its place. Cheers to the future and what it holds! I am confident in what is to come.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Koen is a silly boy. No kid can go without the olive fingers! He thought he was pretty scary! He kept growling... alas, however, he finally ate the olives.
Then helped me make delicious pizza. Thank you to Krystal by the way for the white sauce recipe! That was fantastic! Both kids devoured...


So, I must say I feel guilty not posting for so long. I have done most of it on facebook. My new addiction. However, I will try to keep up with this too! Halloween was fun. Koen finally got it...I think. Brooklan was just along for the ride. We went tricker treating by my parents neighborhood and loved hearing Koen sing "tricker treat, smell my feet, give me somethingggggg to eat" too funny.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

So Rob and I just got back from Salt Lake City. We went down there to take a fire walking class. You say what?? Why would you want to walk on fire? I knew going into it that it would be a challenge that I was not sure how I was going to conquer, but I did and so did Rob. The class was 3 hours of mental preparation for this life changing event that I have found myself pondering since we did this. It taught me that fear, although it exists to protect us, can also control our potential in life and keep us from experiencing things we never knew were possible. Fear is to be acknowledged but not given in to. There were about 35 people in the class, 4 of which had walked before. We all walked on burning coals of 1200-1400 degrees. Not one person was injured or burned. 10 of us went (Eileen, Sarah, Doug, Ryan, Daniel, Tyson, Traci, Krista, Rob and myself). WE ALL DID IT! I am so proud of everyone. To describe the physical feeling, it was like walking on packing peanuts that crunched under your feet. There was no heat that I felt and I just imagined it to be as cold as snow. (Thanks Krista!) I found myself starring at the coals wondering "how am I going to do this?" I never thought that I couldn't, I just didn't know how I was going to get across. My heart was POUNDING in my throat and breathing was a challenge. I felt my heart skip a few beats. Rob came up to me after walking and said "you can do this, just imagine your children on the other side and you have to walk through it to get to them." That was it! I started to walk, and it was like I was floating or not even aware of what I was actually doing. I put myself in a different place mentally and found myself on the other side having conquered this beast! It was exhilarating, exciting, unbelievable, and life altering. Once you do something like this you look at yourself in a different light. The possibilities are limitless and boundless. One woman there told her friend who was terrified of walking to replace the fear she had in her heart with love. That was it for her and she did it! It is a great metaphor for life in general! My mother in law, Eileen, is going to host a fire walk soon and I highly recommend taking the class, it will change your perspective!

You can go to and click on photos to see proof! Cedar wood burned for 2 hours to create the coals we walked on. They don't look hot for some reason in the photos, but trust me they were red and hot!

Tolly Burkan

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just Being Kids

Brooklan in the tub! She is such a happy girl!

Koen & Brooklan playing in the tub.
They LOVE bath time!

Silly girl

Koen put these on her and she kept them on!
Had to take the pic to capture this one.

Mr. Koen helping mommy make waffles.
Of course he always has to have a taste.
"I want a taste mommy!"

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Vacation in Phoenix

My little musician! He does love any instruments. We took the kids to a kids museum and they played for hours!

Brooklan discovers her reflection for the first time.
She didn't stop looking at herself for quite a while!

Gabe is posing at playtime with cousin Brooklan

Mommy and Brook at the local splash pad in Phoenix.
The boys loved playing in the water. Wish we had one here.

Here are Jack and Koen enjoying the water!

Trip to Phoenix! Were We Crazy??

Heather and I took a jaunt to Phoenix to visit Auntie Ericka, cousin Jack and Uncle Matt.
Here we are on the plane with 2 babies (Gabie and Brooklan), 2 year old Koen, and 5 year old Isaiah. The plane ride wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. Still, I was stressed and exhausted by the time we got there!

This isn't my best picture, but it proves I did it!

Heather and Gabie, all the kids were great!

Trip to the store! We had 2 shopping carts full of kids! The peaceful babies, never heard a peep.

Then there were 3. "I want that!" Do you think they lasted in the cart? No way Jose!

5 days in Phoenix and we needed a vacation! The kids kept us going 24/7. These are the days we will cherish and look back on and laugh. Thanks for all of the fun auntie. We loved every excursion.

Cabo San Lucas Vacation!!

Ok, here is our trip to Cabo San Lucas! We had so much fun the six of us. Brian & Elisa, Audra & Jeff
and Rob & I. I think the pictures explain themselves. We had some of the best Mexican food we have ever had there and look forward to going again soon! Thanks to all of our sitters who dared to watch our children for a whole week! Nana and Papa to the rescue! Aunti Ericka and cousin Jack pitched in too. Isaiah kept the boys busy and the 2 babes got to know each other very well.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Ok I know, I know, I am terrible. I haven't posted since January! It is almost April!!!
Where on earth does the time go? Brooklan is almost 6 months now and Koen is speaking in actual sentances. He counts to 20 and knows his ABC's. Pretty good for a 28 month old little boy! He starting to sing songs and he makes us laugh all of the time. I am so proud of him! Rob and I are getting ready to go to Mexico April 12-18th and are so excited. I am sure my family is not, as they are watching our little bundles. Nana, Papa, Auntie Ericka, Auntie Heather and all of the kidlets are going to have a blast playing and watching our kiddos. I love them for giving Rob and I the opportunity to have a VACATION! We haven't done that for 4 years. Our camera broke at Christmas and I am sad to say have taken no new pictures. We are taking care of that though as I realize that kids grow so fast and we are missing precious months!
Rob has been sooooo busy with work. It is a true blessing because the building industry is so slow right now. We are counting our blessings! I have been busier than ever with Mona Vie and have seen it do so many wonderful things for people physically and financially. I LOVE THIS PRODUCT and this business!

I hope all is well with everyone! I promise to be more diligent with the blog.
Happy Easter to all!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

What sweet babies! Brooklan and Gabie baby were blessed on December 29th, 2007 by Robert Mairs (papa) to Brooklan and it went so well. Not a sound from either one. It was very peaceful.
Ginger once again came through with theses awesome pictures! Thanks Ginger.
Aren't they a little too young to be getting married? Ha! They are so cute
What an angel!

And here she is for her closeup!

Gabe is just chillin here. He is waiting for his dinner in his three piece suit.

Handsome man

Wednesday, January 2, 2008