Thursday, February 19, 2009

Lipstick Disaster or Picasso on the rise!

So I must apologize for the blurriness! Something is wrong with our camera, AGAIN...this is our 3rd one of the same kind so needless to say we will not be purchasing another like it despite how much we love it.

Miss Brooklan, my sweet baby girl, is also the most mischievous mess maker in this family! I think it is my mother's laughing mom. I was busy paying bills and could not hear a peep out of Brooklan anywhere. That means BIG trouble. So I went searching and when I got to our bedroom and saw the bathroom door opened I thought "OH NO" and "OH NO" was and understated phrase. Little missy had got into my makeup and conveniently found my only red lipstick and went to town. My counters, makeup bag, eye shadows, Brooklan's face, hands, hair and Ralph Lauren sweater mind you were all covered in the red stuff. You can see for your self the joys I had cleaning this baby attractive activity up! I had to scrub and scrub to get this mess off of her. She is still stained red and later that day I found a big smudge in her ear! What next?

She just laughed the entire time!

At least she enjoyed herself!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

New Experience

In April I am going to a women's retreat with some wonderful friends that recommended this new experience to me. They have described it as life changing and immediately I was attracted. I am so excited to bond with other women, learn a little more about myself and step outside of my comfort zone. One of my new year's resolutions is to make a consistent effort to step out of my box and challenge myself because each time I have done this I grow just a little bit more. Life's perspective is always changing and I want to be prepared for its teachings! Staying in my comfort zone, I have learned, does not prepare me for anything except that of the same. It was fun for a while but now its time for a change!!! If anyone is interested in going please register and let me know...I would love to experience this with you!


So today we decided that Rob was going to get the clippers
out and "trim" up Koen's hair. Well trim was the wrong
word to use. He ended up cutting it so close to the scalp that
I said "wait, I thought we were just trimming it?" His hair was so long
I was sad to see it go...
Well next thing I knew I said I don't know how to cut hair
and you don't know how to cut hair so off to
the barber's we went! This is the end result trying to blend
the "trim" we attempted earlier. Off to the marines looks like, but I
think it's adorable. We put gel in it, spiked it up and he loves it!
Brooklan has a way of taking the hair do's I give her
and just destroying them in seconds. She never keeps
anything in her hair. I think I have her trained though.
On Friday, I kept putting her hair back in pig tails all day
and I think she is getting that it is ok to have things in
her hair. Although, here she has lopsided the piggies...I give up!
I couldn't resist posting this one! This explains her
spunky cute personality in one simple photo!
This is Koen and his friend Sam. They play all of
the time together and are best buds! My future Yaly
is networking already...
This is Koen's favorite face lately when taking pictures.
I usually discourage it but what the heck... he is only 3 and
kids should be able to make faces as long as they can!

Valentine's Day Treats!

So on Friday while my little Brook Trout was sleeping, Koen and I made Heart Sugar Cookies. I think he will be a chef of some kind some day because he loves, loves, loves to help me in the kitchen as you can see. He tells me we need 5 cups of sugar, and 5 cups of flour and 5 eggs. Somewhere he picked up that 5 is the magic number. It is way too cute!

After rolling the dough he cut out all of the cookies himself. Ok I helped speed it a long a little bit but he did most of the work!

He is so proud of his work!

Playing around while waiting for them to bake.

The finished product. Things like this are way too dangerous as they are devoured in my house. Now Brooklan goes to the fridge (all of the goodies are hidden on top of the fridge) and raises her arms and says this weird "eeeeeeehhhh" "eeeeehhhh" noise meaning give me some sugar now. Anyway, it is cute and we have fun with things to do in the kitchen. I didn't have any food coloring and I didn't want just white frosting so I added like a teaspoon of Mona Vie to the frosting and it turned it pinkish purple and added the greatest berry flavor! Everyone loved them. Gotta love holidays...

Sunday, February 8, 2009


So Super Bowl was at auntie Amber & Uncle Kenny's (sorry Ken, you are deemed to be called that for a life time despite your opposition:)) Aspen has a rat and of course Koen and Brooklan had to see it. At first, I was grossed out
but remembered Ratatouille and thought twice about feeling such emotions. I do love that movie and thought it was pretty cute. Actually, Molly is a very sweet rat and loved climbing all over Rob and the kids. As you can see they were definitely intrigued!

Koen wasn't quite sure about having Molly on his back. He took it for a few seconds and couldn't handle the claws any longer on his bare skin! Eeeeuuuuuu! Rob put Molly on my neck without me seeing and it was more than an unsuspecting girl could take! I squinted tight and shut my eyes while squealing and the whole room was entertained. NOT FUNNY!

So I only got half his face but it says it all doesn't it? He is quite happy to be snuggling with a rodent! I had to make sure Koen didn't squish her to death from excitement!
Who won the game again? ;0)

Girls Night!

Ladies night at my house this weekend. Kristi is my
workout partner, partner in crime ;) and friend for life!

This is my dear friend
Laura & I taking pics between laughs playing Apples to
Apples with 10 other girlfriends! Another friend for life!
I love good friends!
Her little boy Sam and Koen are quite the duo as well!

Back in the game!

No need to say anything...I know 3 months again! How does this happen? Time flies when life throws you curve balls! Between the holidays, the paradigm shift in this country, personal growth and new goals set I have neglected the fun blogging has to offer. I am back in the game though and look forward to posting once again!