Tuesday, March 31, 2009

March Madness!

March was a mad dash to the end with family birthdays and dinners and just hanging out!

Here is miss Bella rooski (my nick name for her)

Monday, March 2, 2009

New Endeavors

Today I am watching my 2 nieces, Bella and Taylor and my nephew Gabe plus my two kidlets. I have to say it has been quite uneventful except that it is a constant state of wild energy! It is fun and I appreciate my time with them while they are little because I know they grow too fast. I just wish my camera worked so I can capture some seriously cute moments!

I have decided to involve myself in new endeavors this year. I am training to become certified in RET (Rapid Eye Technology) which is a tool or medium to help heal the mind, body and spirit of emotional trauma on all levels. It is an interesting and engaging form of education and I love it! I have had the privileged of having some RET sessions myself and it has blessed my life in immeasurable ways. I feel the need to give back somehow and if I can help others the way it has helped me then my mission will be accomplished! Go to to learn more about it.

I am also seriously considering going back to school in nursing. Or at least attempt to :). It will be a sacrifice but one well worth it! I have 4 classes I need to take before applying but after that the program is 5 semesters and I could be done! I love staying at home with my kids and am grateful we have made that a priority, however, I also feel that one cannot be too prepared, especially now. Rob's business is picking up again as well so are extremely grateful for that! With all of that said my chef skills are needed I have 5 starving kids at my feet!