Saturday, November 15, 2008

So Rob has been gone working out of town in McCall for 8 days now. I just found out it will be another 3 days. Not easy on mama, nor daddy working so hard. Rob is fighting the flu. He is pretending like he doesn't feel sick to get through this long stretch. Normally work out of town would not be a likely choice. However, we, at this time will take what we can get. We have seen challenges among our peers, friends, family and ourselves that leave us wondering if we have seen the worst of it. The economy is what it is and we choose to look at the bright side of possible things to come. We ask for what we want and know that we will get it! I confirm to myself that good things will come to pass and we will be blessed. I find myself being ever grateful for what it is that we have accomplished and have yet to see. Fear has been left at the door, as faith will enter in its place. Cheers to the future and what it holds! I am confident in what is to come.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Koen is a silly boy. No kid can go without the olive fingers! He thought he was pretty scary! He kept growling... alas, however, he finally ate the olives.
Then helped me make delicious pizza. Thank you to Krystal by the way for the white sauce recipe! That was fantastic! Both kids devoured...


So, I must say I feel guilty not posting for so long. I have done most of it on facebook. My new addiction. However, I will try to keep up with this too! Halloween was fun. Koen finally got it...I think. Brooklan was just along for the ride. We went tricker treating by my parents neighborhood and loved hearing Koen sing "tricker treat, smell my feet, give me somethingggggg to eat" too funny.