Saturday, February 6, 2010

My New Addiction

Bikram (Hot) Yoga! My brother in law Doug called me and told me about this study that a girl from BSU was conducting for her Masters thesis in Kinesiology. The study is 8 weeks long and requires participants to attend at least 3 Bikram Yoga classes a week and encourages at least 5 or more per week. I mentioned I had heard of it, but never tried yet. I called the student and said count me in! She measured our flexibility, weight, balance, cardiovascular and emotional state of mind prior to beginning. I am now starting my 4th week of what I call my new addiction. Bikram or Hot Yoga, entails 1.5 hours of 26 poses and 2 breathing exercises always done in the same order each class. It is said that you burn up to 895 calories per 90 minutes! The room is heated to 105 degrees and at least 40% humidity. I have been in there when it is 69% humidity. I managed to rope 4 other friends into this as well and we are all loving it! You leave the room drenched as if you just stepped out of the shower. The only way I can describe the class is that it is an ultimate invigorating challenge. In just 3 weeks, I haven't lost weight but the inches are melting off! I am toning very quickly and my flexibility and strength have improved significantly. I have managed to master a few poses, which trust me, is a true accomplishment in overcoming the mind and its abiltiy to talk you out of anything. I have had mini silent parties in my head knowing I just bypassed my ability from the day before. I compare this class to golf or a video game. It is so addicting you want to go back daily because of the need to conquer the next level. If you are ready to challenge your body, mind and spirit I highly recommend this as an avenue for improvement. It will shock all elements of your being yet it will enlighten or awaken the best that is within you. Check out this link to get an idea of what Bikram is!


Nicole said...

I would love to do this! It sounds amazing! I am so happy that you are toning up and loving it!

Brandi said... sounds amazing! I would also like Nicole love to do a class like