Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pre-school is here!

So here is my sweet boy the night before school started.
He had to color a picture for his teacher miss Nicole
and carried that thing around all day. As you can see
he fell asleep with it in hand on the floor.
He was so excited to start his big day!

Koen is getting so big, I can hardly stand nor believe it!
He did pretty well. We got to sit with the kiddos during
opening circle. Once that was done Miss Laura said
"ok kids, say goodbye to your parents and school can begin."
There was silence, no cries or nothing. Most of the kids
were extremely shy, burying their faces in hopes that no one
would notice them. Despite the shyness the transition went great!
Here we headed out the door!

Koen walked into his classroom and found his name badge.
He knows how to spell his name so he found it right away!

We had said our goodbye's and in goes the thumb.
Well that's better than the melt down all of us
mommy's were expecting! Brooklan and I went for
an hour and a half walk on the Green Belt while he was
in school. It was a perfect day!

1 comment:

Ericka said...

What a big boy! He looks ready for Pre-k!